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What is a historical graph?

Historical graphs capture the evolution of graphs through time. A historical graph can be modeled as a sequence of graph snapshots, where each snapshot corresponds to the state of the graph at the corresponding time instant. There is rich information in the history of the graph not present in just the current snapshot of the graph.

What is graph theory?

graph theory, branch of mathematics concerned with networks of points connected by lines. The subject of graph theory had its beginnings in recreational math problems ( see number game ), but it has grown into a significant area of mathematical research, with applications in chemistry, operations research, social sciences, and computer science.

What is a modern graph?

The first known illustration of a contemporary graph was created by Euler once he realised that the four bodies of land and seven bridges were the pertinent restrictions. A modern graph is represented by a collection of points, called vertices or nodes, joined by a collection of lines, called edges, as seen in the bottom-right image.

How does a graph evolve through time?

Most graphs evolve through time. A historical graph captures the evolution of a graph by maintaining its complete history in the form of a sequence of graph snapshots \ (\ {G_1, G_2, ...\}\) where each graph snapshot \ (G_t\) in the sequence corresponds to the state of the graph at time instant t.

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